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Writer: Telawna KirbieTelawna Kirbie

Sirviendo A Latinos Unidos contra Diabetes/Serving Latinos United Against Diabetes

Prosper Waco is proud to share about an upcoming event in our community designed to provide education and resources for our Hispanic/Latino population. This event is a community collaboration involving many of our invested community partners and coordinated by a local public health student. What a wonderful opportunity for a local student to utilize the education process to create a resource that will meet a critical need for our local community.

The goal of the student is two-fold; one, to provide education and awareness about diabetes and second, to provide access to health care benefits specifically for our Spanish-speaking neighbors.

According to the most recent Census data, the Hispanic population now represents the largest ethnic group in the state of Texas at 40.2% with 30% being white. Locally, the percentage of Hispanic/Latinos (2021) is 29.3% and this is expected to increase as there is a higher percentage of Hispanic children (33%) when compared to white (15%). Research indicates that access and availability to resources, particularly healthcare and health care coverage disproportionately affects this population.

S.A.L.U.D. is intended to help in these areas. It will be hosted by our local Waco Family of Faith Worship Center on May 6, 2023, from 10:00am-2:00pm. The event will be provided in Spanish as one of the major barriers to access is language. Attendees can participate in education on nutrition, gardening, composting, and diabetes. There will also be community partners offering help identifying and applying for health care coverage benefits (Medicaid, Waco Family Medicine’s Good Health Card, McLennan County Indigent Care and Marketplace). Community partners will be available with translators if needed to meet with our Hispanic neighbors to discuss options for health care coverage.

The event's theme will be Cinco de Mayo, and there will be food and giveaways. Neighbors in need of food will also be able to receive groceries through Waco Family of Faith Worship Center’s food distribution program that typically provides food for the community.

Please see attached flyers for the event.

Telawna Kirbie is Director of Strategic Initiatives at Prosper Waco


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