By Josh Caballero and Sarah Pedrotti
Schools are facing unique challenges this year, and they need our support. Teachers are overwhelmed, and students and families are facing new challenges brought on by a global pandemic.
Schools always have a difficult job making sure educators have what they need to teach effectively so students are able to learn. But this year they have the additional challenge of trying to do these things while also trying to keep everyone safe and ensuring that families have all the resources they need while trying to keep everyone safe.
More than ever, they need our help as a community, but it can be difficult to know how to help in a way that is actually useful.
This year, Prosper Waco has combined several of it’s school-based workgroups to form the School and Community Alliance to offer support to students and families in our area schools. The School and Community Alliance is made up of the Informal Learning, Mentoring Alliance, and Wrap Around Service workgroups and is led by the two of us — Josh Caballero and Sarah Pedrotti.
The Alliance’s first meeting of the school year will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14 at over Zoom and will focus on the goals of the workgroup and project proposals for the year. If you’re interested in being part of the group and learning how you can support our schools, register here.

Josh Caballero is director of community organizing for Grassroots Community Development, and Sarah Pedrotti is director of student advocacy for Transformation Waco.